What should I do if my smartphone battery drains too quickly?

What should I do if my smartphone battery drains too quickly?

By Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke, Published on July 4th 2024 | 6 mins, 1004 words min read

In the fast-paced digital age, a smartphone is more than just a communication tool; it’s an essential gadget that keeps us connected, informed, and entertained. However, one common issue that...

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Android 15 Video Upgrade: Be a Social Media Star with Shake-Free Videos

Android 15 Video Upgrade: Be a Social Media Star with Shake-Free Videos

By Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke, Published on May 9th 2024 | 4 mins, 711 words min read

Ever record a fire dance routine on TikTok only to be met with a video that resembles a wobbly earthquake? Or perhaps you filmed that stunning mountain vista on Instagram,...

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Ditch the Gadgets: Why Your Phone is the Future of AI Assistants

Ditch the Gadgets: Why Your Phone is the Future of AI Assistants

By Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke, Published on April 29th 2024 | 3 mins, 436 words min read

Confession time: My furniture resembles a graveyard for forgotten phone upgrades. Between couches, bedside tables, and that one random shelf in the pantry, I'm pretty sure I could cobble together...

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Samsung Saves the Day! Free Screen Replacement for Galaxy S21 & S22 Green Line Issue

Samsung Saves the Day! Free Screen Replacement for Galaxy S21 & S22 Green Line Issue

By Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke, Published on April 27th 2024 | 4 mins, 633 words min read

Have you noticed a stubborn green line marring the once-pristine display of your Samsung Galaxy phone? You're not alone. Recently, social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) have been flooded...

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Google to the Rescue: Android Users Get a Free Security Shield

Google to the Rescue: Android Users Get a Free Security Shield

By Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke, Published on April 26th 2024 | 4 mins, 609 words min read

Have you ever downloaded an app that seemed harmless but ended up draining your battery or bombarding you with suspicious ads? Well, fret no more, Android users! Google is coming...

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Android 15: Introducing App Quarantine Mode

Android 15: Introducing App Quarantine Mode

By Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke, Published on April 22nd 2024 | 4 mins, 760 words min read

Ever downloaded an app that seemed harmless but ended up spamming your notifications, draining your battery, or acting downright suspicious? You're not alone. Malicious apps are a constant threat on...

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