Oyetoke Adedayo Ebenezer

Adedayo Ebenezer Oyetoke

Full-Stack Web Developer

Hello! I'm Adedayo, a dedicated full-stack web developer. I specialize in creating seamless and responsive web applications with expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. I'm also skilled in graphic design and typing, and I'm open to remote, on-site, freelance, or other opportunities.

I started my web development career in 2021, realizing the potential of coding to bring designs to life. I have since mastered HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, VueJS, ReactJS, and Laravel. Currently, I'm a final-year student at the Department of Mathematical Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

I excel at developing intuitive user interfaces and optimizing server performance. I value clean code, scalability, and high-quality solutions that meet user and stakeholder needs, thriving in collaborative team environments.

Beyond coding, I enjoy exploring new web development trends, blogging, contributing to open-source projects, and brainstorming new ideas over a good cup of coffee. I also have a soft spot for cats.

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